“This guide is something all leaders in any type of organization should read and take to heart. There are so many nuggets to foster in such a compressed format. Recognizing these behaviors and taking steps to curb or eliminate them will make any club, team, business or organization a more high-functioning unit.”
“As I was reading FAIL, I was thinking about my own program. It didn’t take me long, as I went through each letter, to think “please don’t let me or my group do any of the things in this next letter!”
“FAIL, is a fantastic way to think differently about how to improve as an individual, leader and as an organization. There are so many books that will try to tell you what to do. We needed one to tell us what NOT to do.”
“For decades I have worked closely with business owners, executives, pastors, missionaries, medical doctors, coaches, players and even general managers. In reading the clever book FAIL, I laughed, but secretly wanted to cry. Dean has brilliantly summarized, in a pithy, astute way, just about every root cause of crisis. FAIL, is both an entertaining and sobering read.”